Archived Messages From: January 30th, 2025
Number of Messages: 10
Happy 38th anniversary to my wife Sharon.
Fri March 23rd, 2018 10:21 AM Connecticut
When entering website, there is an old picture of former makeup of Poco. Can that time be increased that it shows, so it can be enjoyed a little bit - now it fades too fast.......Thanks, Mike E.
Tue March 13th, 2018 4:25 PM Bel Air, MD
What is the current lineup for Poco? I saw you guys at a Taste of Colorado in the late 80's/early 90's in Denver. Just love your music. So much so, that I got the Poco horse tattooed on my right leg. Poco has been so erratic about touring, it's tough to see you. Wish I did not have health issues last year or would have caught you with Firefall in the Billings, MT area. Yep - saw Firefall and Marshall Tucker Band together in 1978 or so. Still have the ticket stub to remember it by. $12!! Can you believe that? Anyhow - what is your current lineup? Thinking of catching you in Bremerton, WA.
Tue February 27th, 2018 3:57 AM Pasco, WA
David -Thank you for your help, and I will try this tomorrow. Perhaps you are right about dominating the Message Board, so I won't pursue this on here any more. The advantage of the previous Forum was that all correspondence could be listed under the appropriate subject matter, so you only had to read matters of interest.
Thu February 22nd, 2018 1:04 PM UK
Niagara Falls Canada or New York would be a great venue for the band to play. Lots of Canadian fans would show up!
Thu February 22nd, 2018 10:08 AM kitchener ont. Canada
Grahame - we're in danger of making too much personal use of the board which I'm not sure is the intention - nevertheless, it's been my experience that Poconuts are a friendly, helpful bunch so I'm sure they won't mind! If you click on the link which Randall gave on page 1of the Forum thread "Poco on Amazon Prime" it will take you straight to the sales catalogue for the DVDs with Sunset Rodeo at the top; scroll down and you'll find Marty Balin. In each case, click on the small "click to buy" box at bottom left and you'll be taken to a PayPal payment page where you can insert your details. Delivery can take up to two weeks but, as I said before, at $15.99 you shouldn't incur any VAT at an exchange rate in the region of $1.40 to £1. The DVD should play but it may depend, potentially, on the age of your player - it will play on the optical drive of a PC or laptop. If you wish to try Greg Rike Productions again you might be best advised to use their website contact page where there is a facility to send a message; alternatively, you could telephone, after 3pm UK time (and depending on your provider's terms) - 001 407 862 6882 (dial exactly as given) - and ask for Paige who deals with sales. I'm sure she'd be happy to help.
Thu February 22nd, 2018 9:37 AM Shrewsbury UK
David - the Amazon Prime version of Sunset Rodeo is only the 58 minute version, and the link to Living Legends Music ( appears to be incorrect, and my previous messages to Greg were returned to me. I can see now why I gave up! If you can give me a functioning link I will try again, as I would like to purchase the Marty Balin DVD as well.
Thu February 22nd, 2018 4:29 AM UK
David -thanks for the message. I did try to contact Living Legends re Sunset Rodeo, but all my messages were returned to me, so I gave up in the end. I will now try again - thanks for your help.
Thu February 22nd, 2018 3:18 AM UK
Grahame - as you acknowledge that the Forum is still available for viewing I wonder if you picked up my attempt to reassure you on the Poco on Amazon Prime thread that GRP/LLM were still trading and that the Sunset Rodeo DVD was still available. The new site is great, and change and progress are inevitable - however, the topic based format of the old Forum had distinct advantages which I, for one, would be sad to lose.
Wed February 21st, 2018 5:33 PM Shrewsbury, UK
I had the pleasure of being at the show in Coral Springs last Friday. I have been a fan since the beginning and have seen POCO dozens of times. For the first time in a very long time, the band's energy level and talent reminded me of the early days. The were in a word---GREAT.
There was a remarkable difference between this show and the outdoor show last summer in Pompano Beach. They have revitalized the group. They played both music from Rusty's new CD and music from all over the 50 year history. For the first time in a long time, they played medleys and they played the old songs in ways to make them sound fresh and new. No effort is made any longer to cover the songs and make them song like the old recordings, and that is a really good thing.
I wish there were going to be some more significant 50th anniversary shows, but, POCO is still a vibrant live show. Congrats to Rusty on 50 years well done.
Wed February 21st, 2018 9:48 AM Florida